Friday, April 23, 2010

Out of class read

I just read Richard Peck's The Teacher's Funeral ( A Comedy in Three Parts). This comedy is about a back woods group of boys enjoying their summer before schools starts.

In Hominy Ridge, life is fairly modest and simple. Farms and dirt roads are everywhere. At the school, Mrs. Myrt Arbuckle has died so the main character Russel and his schoolmates are over joyed that the mean teacher is gone. Thinking that they will get out of lessons and public spankings, they enjoy their summer to the fullest.

An auto show, good meals from his sister, and the end of the summer camping trip fill up Russel's summer.

When school is not cancelled, a new teacher moves to town and gives Russel a run for his money. She makes Russel and the boys learn!

Inspite of many trials and bumps in the road the new teacher keeps the school in check and gets the boys on a new and improved road.

The book is filled with laughs due to the country accents, southern ways , and country traditions.
If you like baths in horse troughs, walking barefoot, the weather being so hot that the horse theif ask for a blanket when he went to hell, you ll love this book.

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